Projector-based security marking

In today’s rapidly changing world, where workplace and public safety are increasingly prioritized, innovative solutions are emerging to enable more effective management than traditional labeling. One such innovation is the use of projectors for security marking.

Traditional methods of security labeling involve the use of wall signs, stickers, and other static means, but these limit adaptation and quick real-time information updates. Projectors open a new chapter in the approach to security labeling, as they enable dynamic projection of important messages onto various surfaces.

Security labeling with projectors harnesses the power of light to clearly and prominently display safety warnings, evacuation directions, risk information, and other important data. Projectors can be installed in various locations, such as walls, ceilings, or structures, and project images, text, or logos in real-time.

We have successfully completed the project of automated labeling with industrial projectors and controllers at our customer’s.

The client has thus gained:

  • an innovative and dynamic labeling system
  • better visibility than traditional floor markings
  • a long-term solution
  • cost-saving on maintenance expenses

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